Subject: Re: A reminder from 2020
ges: I have seen such scenes before, in places like Azerbaijan and Russia. This is Trump’s America.
How far we've fallen. In 1987, Gary Hart suspended his campaign after The Washington Post threatened to run a story about a woman Hart had dated while separated from his wife. Today, Donald Trump has bragged about grabbing women by the p*ssy, has been found liable by a jury for sexual assault, and has had more than two dozen women accuse him of sexual misconduct. And he had an affair with a Playboy model while his third wife, Melania, an immigrant by the way, was pregnant, and raw-dogged a porn star shortly after Melania gave birth to their son.
MAGAts didin't care.
The primary attack on Hillary Clinton in 2016 was her use of a private email server while conducting government business. Classified information on the server was not considered classified at the time but the owning agencies decided to classify documents years later. In the end, three documents in email chains (none started by Clinton) had a "(c)" mark in the body but none of the three had the required classified header. When he left the White House, Donald Trump took more than fifteen boxes and more than 100 of the nation's most highly classified documents to his residence in Mar-a-Lago and stored them in an unlocked bathroom and on a ballroom stage that were accessible to thousands of guests, as well as in his personal bedroom.
MAGAts didn't care.
Donald Trump was found guilty by jury of business fraud and convicted in 34 felony counts.
MAGAts didn't care.
Donald Trump repeatedly threatened to jail and kill reporters, threatened to have rifles pointed in the face of a former member of Congress, and threatened retaliation against former first lady Michelle Obama, congresswoman Pelosi, president Biden, and Mark Milley, and has threatened to beat hecklers, shoot looters, and have a one-day purge with unlimited and unpunishable violence.
MAGAts didn't care.
Donald Trump has bragged about removing pregnancy healthcare from women, a right they have had for more than fifty years, and as women have started to die from lack of proper care, he has called what he did "beautiful."
MAGAts didn't care.
Donald Trump and his running mate made up stories about Haitian migrants and just yesterday Trump said that “100 percent of the jobs that were created [by Biden-Harris] went to migrants, not to people.”
MAGAts didn't care.
Add in gold sneakers, money from the Saudis, EFTs, worthless trading cards, pieces of his suits, fake leather bibles, and an endless stream of other worthless hats, shirts, and paraphernalia, mostly Made in Chyna.
Years from now when historians analyze the Trump presidency and the years of Trump, they will be unable to explain how nearly half of the country's citizens could be so easily conned or so remarkably stupid.
But here we are waiting to see which side that tossed coin lands upon in the next day or so.