Subject: Re: The Berkshire Problem
Berkshire..... What is so great about this index?
I have to add an important point to my previous answer which I think some might share:
E) If Berkshire wouldn't exist I wouldn't know what to do with my money.
I am not kidding. Surprising for myself the last 2 years I made quite some money with mostly options, but that was
- either sheer luck (TUP calls when it was (still is) close to bankruptcy, which became 10-15x baggers, without really knowing anything about TUP = Gambling)
- or based on Jim (DLTR calls)
- or based on Jim again (BRK calls at 1.25x or so Price/PeakBV)
- or sheer luck again (a few days ago selling covered BRK calls and buying them back completely unexpected the very next day with 24% profit)
And when I, Warren's "know nothing" investor, dare to invest based on valuation, the outcome is completely unpredictable. End of last year I diversified away a bit from Berkshire with a very simple (too simple) and lazy valuation method and bought decent amounts of especially BABA, META, KMX, VZ, GOOGL, PYPL, WRB, MKL and LHA.DE).
The result up to now:
- The tech stuff is up.
- Most non-tech stuff are down, especially VZ, PYPL, WRB.
That all together I am up big is not caused by my "valuation" of those companies but simply by this year's tech hype. Even by nearly one stock only, META, which was my biggest position and which tripled or so. Without that ...
Seriously. Without Berkshire I wouldn't know what to do. I'd probably put most of my money in "Jim's Latest" (which he calls "LargeCapCash"). And without Berkshire AND Jim? Omg!