Subject: Re: Paging Dope1, Mike, Righties
On every. major. point. democrats are in 100% agreement.

Trust me, Will Rogers was smarter and a lot funnier than you.

“I am not a member of any organized political party — I am a Democrat.”

It's funny you mention voting for anybody with an [R] after their really need to move to a deep blue area. You'll switch parties so fast your head would spin.

My dad was a Dem (I still have his dual image flashing “Vote Adlai” campaign button in my collection), but became a Rep after he bought his first house. As a young man I was a Dem and my dad said I would become a Rep after I bought my first home. He passed away disappointed.

I live in a deep blue area and I love it. But I vote on issues, which is why I vote Blue.

However, even a deep Blue Meanie like me has voted for a Republican; Jacob Javits.