Subject: Re: 2 minutes on why some tariffs
The left always bemoans about the death of the middle class and how The Rich own everything. Only they have no idea what to do about it.

The answer is simple: make stuff here in the United States.

Back before the tern "race to the bottom" came about, I was talking to people who were telling me about how cheaply China could produce motorcycle helmets and watches, it became apparent that a lot of American produced goods were moving overseas, and the odds of them returning were very low. Republicans touted that this was a good thing as it would inevitably democratize China. Nixon (a Republican)opened up China, and the forces turned loose would result in Democracy.

Hasn't turned out that way has it? I'm sure that some retconning is being done to blame all of that on Libtards. Nobody had any answers about what would happen in the USA, but it was a little obvious we were losing a lot of jobs for people who liked to work with their hands. We manufactured the Model T in Mexico (~1925?), so near shoring is nothing new, and all of this is about competitive labor cost. NAFTA was supposed to help and after all the bruhaha Trump's renegotiation was a fizzle.

So at the behest of the wealthy, the Republicans have lead us down this road and are now upset about the trade agreements they made during Trump's term. Libs may have their flaws, but no one knows where the hell this MAGA crew is leading us. It doesn't look good, and if the past is any indicator, we're in the process of losing some of America again, and Dope and Jedi will blame and resent libs all the more.

Meanwhile, WTF is happening and what happens next?