Subject: Re: A reminder from 2020
"Theirs was a generation where personal sacrifices to create a better world for future generations was second nature and done seemingly without a thought and without conceit"
My Dad and a couple of his brothers ( my Uncles ) were in the thick of some of the nastiest
stuff in WWII. Almost everybody sacrificed for the good of the Country. The Women and the Men
left behind worked their tails off making America the Arsenal of Democracy. The ones I knew,
of that generation, would have kicked trump's ass back to wherever he came from, they did not
like draft dodgers like trump.
Also, pre-draft, life was very tough for them. Many were unemployed. Many were broke.
Many willingly enlisted just to have a paycheck to send back home.
Yeah, they would have seen right thru trump. the silver-spoon, amoral POS that he is.