Subject: Re: Hunter pleas
Not sure why the prosecution would negotiate if the defense is acknowledging there is enough evidence to convict.- 1pg
bighairymike: Because the DOJ is on Team Biden, that's why. Remember this is the same prosecution team that let the statute of limitations expire on some of Hunter's most egregious crimes, and then tried to slip a sweetheart plea agreement by the court.
Umm, what now?
Hunter Biden wouldn't even have been charged if his name was not Biden. People who settle their tax debts are almost never brought to trial. You know, like Roger Stone who owed nearly $2 million in income tax in 2021 and settled the following year.
The average American has almost as good a chance of winning the lottery as being criminally prosecuted for tax fraud.
And Hunter Biden did not submit an "Alford plea," which would have allowed him to plead guilty on all counts but preclude him from acknowledging guilt on the underlying conduct, but entered a traditional guilty plea.
So how is this an example of the DOJ on Team Biden, exactly?
Biden faces a maximum sentence of 17 years in prison and a fine of as much as $1.35 million for crimes that generally would have never been brought.
Not much of a team.