Subject: Re: Antifa at it again in Seattle
Let's see, "Those thugs dressed in black helmets and body armor who can be seen daily intimidating, attacking, burning, assaulting, trespassing and destroying" just torched 15 police cars in Seattle.
Nah, that is just too long to use in a sentence and so I will continue to use the term Antifa for the thugs and agitators such as those at GWU who called for the beheading of school administrators.
"Thugs" is nice and short for ya. Or "riot thugs", "truth, Just, and the American Way thugs" becomes TJAAW thugs. Or just shorten it to TJthugs. Aren't fascists inventive? "Militant" thugs can become "Millie thugs: or "MilThugs", and we can say "Pretty Boy" Fascists and make that into PBJ Fascist Boys. then we can go into the crowd find one person with an 88 or HH and declare the whole things a fascist mob.