Subject: Re: Can't belive I did that
Might you please wax eloquently on when you would buy puts vs when you would sell calls ?

I have already sold calls against all my long positions. If I write more, I might actually end up short the stock, which would be inconvenient. As it is, the calls I've written look unpretty on days the stock is up! (though of course the longs balance that pretty closely).

Buying puts is probably not a great investment idea, but it ties up little cash, and can't suddenly tie up more.

You might wonder about why it makes sense to be long and short at the same time--the reason is that, so long as the stock stays in a reasonably broad range, I make money slowly on the time erosion of the calls I've written. At the moment the stock price is above the broad range mentioned, but not much, and not (I suspect) permanently.
