Subject: Re: RW, Just Hold the Gdamn stock,
" Public delf-flagellation is good for the soul! RW's seems genuine though, not like Buffett's and Munger's half-hearted self-criticisms."
good morning, all, I have a few minor injuries, so I'm not going to the park to play today, hence I have extra time. Some of us have been posting on these boards for over 20 years. We have lost many fine sharp posters over the years mostly due to rude, obnoxious, "cult" like responses from the usual suspects. Several are still posting here, I ignore them, others, just leave, tho many still read certain posters but no longer post. I have certainly taken my share of incoming over the years for independent thinking outside the box, but a kid from the Brooklyn projects may have thicker skin and patience for street chatting bullshit from lightweights, lol.
For example. In 2008 as part of my, FSFE posts, Foundation Sales Forever Effect posts, I made the case for why brk should declare a very small div to INCREAE DEMAND for brkb. I suggested like a .25 - .50 cent div with a slight annual increase. I never suggested that brk should be a high yielder, just that a small div and a 50/1 stock split would increase DEMAND for brk which back then often traded near BV. Buffett was a willing seller at BV or a slight premium back then via the foundations. Many institutions and retail investors WILL NOT or CAN NOT buy a stock with no div. My point was that IF the small div increased DEMAND for brkb common, and the stock traded up to 1.3 xs BV as a result, wouldn't the taxable event from the small div be more than covered by the higher price Mr Market would be willing to pay for brkb? BUFFETT was the biggest seller of his life's work back then, WHY give away billions of dollars' worth of HIS stock at BV or slightly above BV in the public market? So, I argued that brkb should acquire the, right of first refusal, on ALL Foundation sales, going forward. As long as it's disclosed, it's legal. Of course I got jumped, again. Do FB, APPLE, MSFT etc pay a div today? Have many high-priced stocks done a split the past 10 years? Does my thinking in 2008 seem so crazy, today?
Anyway, since I'm a Vegas kid the past 50 years, and I've done my share of gambling I'm laying 3 to 1 that the responses will be, IF IF you need income just sell 5 % of your shares annually, I'm serious, I have no doubt, the thinking hasn't changed much in 17 years in brkville. Stay healthy all, not much else really matters.