Subject: Re: Who will fight for you?
We got the Abraham Accords. Seems like it worked out pretty well.

The US Government also got a treaty with the Lakota Sioux at Fort Larami, signed by Lakota “chiefs” who were not authorized by the Lakota to speak for all bands. Then the calvary enforced the terms of the treaty on all Lakota, most of whom said “Those fort Indians don’t speak for us”

George Armstrong Custer died for their sins.

Rule number 1 of any treaty:
The accepted representAtives of all parties must sign off on the terms of a treaty, unless your name is Douglas MacArthur and you’ve brought the legal representatives of the Japanese government to the deck of the USS Missouri to sign the terms of an unconditional surrender. But even then, MacArthur observed protocol by ensuring all legal representatives of the parties were ther.

The Abraham Accords was a meaningless piece of paper, good only for papering over the absence of the very people who were “the problem”.

And its worthlessness became glaringly evident three years later on October 7th, when Hamas impressed the message in an orgy of violence, “Hey, remember us?”

Intractable, maddening, the rocky shore upon which many a ship of diplomacy has foundered…… the Palestinian “problem” is the central problem, and no solution will be found by ignoring them.

Now, Bibi doesn't seem to be ignoring them. He seems to be liquidating them, but that sort of final solution, in addition to being monstrously ironic, is untenable. Bibi is losing friends and shedding allies faster than my dog can shake off the water from her bath.

He’s either going to have to kill them all or find a way to sit down at a table with them, and I don’t believe that choosing door#1 is the path to peace and prosperity for the people of Israel.

Of course, as long as this drags out, Bibi stays out of jail.

So there’s that…