Subject: Re: Another Day Another Shooting...
Dope1: They didn't quantify it, so you're not allowed to dismiss it.

Well, anyone with a lick of sense can see the difference.


33 boxes and containers A small number in Four boxes
totaling 11,000 documents, a locked closet at of papers,
over 300 w/ classified the Penn Biden Center; the exact
markings, some top secret a second batch (6 pages) quantity
at his Wilmington home; undetermined
after a 13-hour search
six additional items that
contained documents with
classified markings were
discovered, including
some of his handwritten

Easy, right? Trump removed over 11,000 documents and photos, Biden reportedly 3 dozen but let's say 100, and Pence, who knows, but you can fit quite a number of papers inside of four boxes, let's say less than 100.

Dope1: Because you don't have one. I posted ad nauseam about his over on the Fool. Allow me repost this... knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents...

You don't even read your own posts.

My point is right there in your U.S. Code quote: WITH THE INTENT.

Dope1: Maintaining a server in your closet constitutes plenty of intent.

No. As Clinton said, the primary reason she set up her own email was for "convenience"; government-issued Blackberry phones at the time were unable to access multiple email accounts.

When she became secretary of state, the controlling interpretation of the 1950 Federal Records Act was that officials using personal email accounts must ensure that official correspondence is turned over to the government. She maintained that her emails were archived because her emails went to, or were forwarded to, people with government accounts, so they were automatically archived. When she left office she provided NARA with her government emails.

Regardless of whether people believe her or disbelieve her, the FBI concluded that even if one were to conclude she mishandled documents (exactly what Trump, Biden, and Pence are being accused of today), no reasonable prosecutor would charge her. There was no INTENT on her part to do anything with the emails.

Had Trump acted in the same way as Biden and Pence have by cooperating with NARA and immediately returning the found documents, this would be a nothingburger. Instead, Trump refused to return the documents, lied about them, ignored a subpoena for them, and obstructed the investigation.

IOW, the 'crime' would have gotten him a slap on the wrist but the cover-up likely will get him indicted.

Dope1: And your quote about Comey is patently ridiculous: anyone who has had 5 minutes of training in that area knows you're not allowed to remove certain items from the SCIF. That's another point that gets memory-holed.

Clinton never removed a document from a SCIF. She was accused of having THREE documents that were classified at the time they were sent or received in her email. Every other classified document was 'up-classified' so redactions could be made to make them suitable for public disclosure.

The Justice IG report concluded: There was no evidence that the senders or former Secretary Clinton believed or were aware at the time that the emails contained classified information,' the Justice IG report said. 'The emails in question were sent to other government officials in furtherance of the senders' official duties. There was no evidence that the senders or former Secretary Clinton intended that classified information be sent to unauthorized recipients, or that they intentionally sought to store classified information on unauthorized systems.

Under oath at a congressional hearing, Comey admitted that markings -- a (C) -- were contained in the body of the text and, contrary to standard practice, there was no header at the top alerting someone that this was classified material. He told lawmakers that without a header, it was 'a reasonable inference' that this material was not classified.

Comey admitted, after ruining her campaign, that Clinton actually had NO CLASSFIED DOCUMENTS ON HER EMAIL SERVER (link below).

Dope1: And yet you only opine in one direction, while accusing others of doing what you're already doing.

No. When I see nonsense and errors, I correct them with facts and the truth.