Subject: Re: Who is doing this buying?
While certainly fun to watch and play along, I don't want a hangover in the morning....
I tend to agree.
In my opinion, the stock is not expensive in an absolute sense. But at ~1.57 times last published book it is more expensive than has been typical in the modern era.
(average 1.34 times known peak book since 2008, average 1.38 times last known peak book since 2013/2014)
One could sell June $385 call options, currently trading at $17.
If the stock ends up above $385, that's an exit price of $402 per B, which is a bit over 1.55 times my estimate of not-yet-known end 2023 book.
And of course if the stock price pulls back, keep the $17. Kind of like a half year of 11%/year rate of "dividend" for you.
This is fancier than is necessary. But the complication lets me not have to actually decide whether to lighten up today or not.
In other news, for anybody holding call options and wanting to free up some money, it's not such a bad day to roll some call options to higher strikes. In-the-money strikes which used to be "high" relative to the stock price are now pretty deep in the money and cheaper in terms of time value and implied interest rate, simply because the stock price has pulled away upwards.