Subject: Re: OK Opens Bidding for Classroom Bibles
As a side note, it sorta backfired in my case. When you actually read the thing, even as a 12-13yr old, I was spotting things that didn't make sense. The book of Job? A capricious god that wanted to win a bet? Noah's Ark? How did they fit all those animals into a boat? How did the koala bear make it from Australia to get on the boat? Thus started by journey to atheism.
I would suspect it would have even more effect now that kids are on the internet and can read other sources, too. Sure, there will be lots who slave to Mommy & Daddy’s dictates, but there’s a world of information out there that Mommy & Daddy (& teachers & pastors) no longer control, and I’m pretty sure some smart aleck 13-year-olds are going to mock a lot of these fantastical fables that no one questioned before right out of existence.
At least that’s my hope.