Subject: Re: Paging Dope1, Mike, Righties
I want somebody who:
*Is grounded in common sense
*Is conservative
*Has been a governor
*Has a solid track record of getting things done
*Isn't afraid to tell the media and the democrats both to go to hell

That's a short list, coming down to Glenn Youngkin, Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbot, maybe Kristi Noem, and Nikki Haley. I'd support any of them as the nominee.

I know you worry about a Haley getting us involved in a lot of overseas conflicts but I think the global picture that's arrayed in front of us doesn't support any adventurism: the US' main task for the next 4 years from a military standpoint is to

1. Re-staff the ranks. Recruitment tanked under Biden, the next President needs to de-wokify the military leadership and put butts in seats.
2. Re-build the Navy. US shipbuilding is in a dire state, and we don't have the ability to move troops, guns and gas anywhere in the world on a whim anymore.
3. Speed up NGAD and some of the advanced weapons programs
4. Harden space capabilities

Until 1-4 are addressed our ability to get into a war is compromised.

Do you want a MAGA way forward? OR do you want a return to Establishment Republicanism al la Bush, McCain, Romney etc.

Bush, McCain and Romney all had too much of a "Go along to get along" mentality: at critical moments they would all FOLD and cave to the democrats. We need someone with a great agenda who will unapologetically push it forward. So in that sense I want more MAGA.

I think with the guys you mentioned and my list above we can have a scenario where we Have Our Cake (get MAGA on trade and foreign policy) and Eat it Too (keep the crazies at bay).