Subject: Re: A “Slam Dunk” Prediction
Asterisk* next to Kamala's name was just to note - I rarely if ever call her "Kamala" - it's so disrespectful but it works for white Liberal paternalistic racists. I just wrote Kamala because it's more marketable when I flood the zone with divisive stuff on behalf of both sides on multiple forums.
I usually refer to her has Harris. A man on the street, a Senator, or anyone deserves that respect. We usually say Palin, Bush, Trump, Kerry, Carter. We usually don't say Sarah, Donalds, John or Jimmy. We don't say "Jimmy is turning 100 and has brain cancer".
YET for the Paternalistic Racist Left, they love doing this to only *some* people.
For SCOTUS: It was "Ketanji!" 24/7. Now it's "Kamala!".
Treating them like pets.'
No surprise.
I usually stick to Harris.