Subject: Re: Paging Dope1, Mike, Righties
Really? Do the words "I won" and "Elections have consequences" ring a bell?
Sure - Obama's rhetorical effort to project political power beyond what he actually had. An echo of George Bush's affirmation that he had political capital and intended to spend it.
But Obama was only able to get done what he did because he briefly had what the GOP hasn't had for a century - a filibuster-proof Senate majority. Outside of that? A list of failed disappointments for his agenda. The DREAM act dead. EFCA dead. ENDA dead. His climate change bill dead.
The GOP seems gripped by the delusion that all that's necessary to achieve significant changes in US federal government policy is "courage" or "strength" or "will," rather than "a filibuster-proof majority" or "cutting a deal with members of the other party."