Subject: Re: Election ballot questions
I notice there are two lines with identical candidates for all office: Republican and Conservative.
...there is the "Working Families" line that duplicates the Democratic candidates for Pres/Veep and Senator, but the rest of the offices are blank.
What ON EARTH could be the purpose and motivation for this? Who gets to pick the secondary labels for each party? It isn't the job of the Secretary of State to provide "secondary branding" for ANY party.
Again, this is an argument for having MORE standards nationwide in voting. That's not the same as the federal government RUNNING elections, only ensuring greater consistency and enforceability of basic election integrity across all states and territories. Any American moving from any state to any other state should not be surprised or require special training and acclimation about how to register to vote, how to confirm one's ongoing registration and how to fill out a ballot, whether in person on election day or via mail-in ballot.