Subject: Re: Hold the damn stock
Am I close? Is this the one

Well, speaking from entirely personal taste*, I have have such nice experiences with Remoissenet lately that I'd rather switch regions than switch producers in this case : )
Tonight I had this (random US link) https://www.maisonduprixwines....
The comment would be in the range of OMG. (Of course my lovely spouse is a Cordon Bleu chef, so the food might have slanted my views)
Still, I have definitely paid three times as much for much worse wine.
Note that at the bottom of that web page, the recommended alternatives suggested cost $3499, $3575, $4175, and $5995 per bottle. In that context, $86 looks pretty good.
Being someone keen to pay attention to business economics, I actually chewed out them out once for charging so little for it. Dumb move.


* very different from most folks, I like 'em smooth and drinkable and untannic, not what most critics would call "balanced"
For Burgundies, I look for something that smells so nice you conclude that exhaling is a waste of time.