Subject: Re: DG on sale today
Naively I'd have expected larger stores to have a larger absolute turnover, perhaps higher per dollar of capex, but lower per square foot.

Perhaps all Dollar Generals need to keep a certain number of low-margin staples, but the larger store allows them to carry additional higher margin items. The smallest Dollar Generals also do not lend themselves to browsing - you can outstretch your arms and touch things on both sides of the aisles, but sometimes it feels like you could do so with your elbows as well.

With so many people here not having been inside these stores, maybe I should do a YouTube tour. One time we had just finished a hike when we had a toddler emergency that required a change of clothes. We found a Dollar General across the street from a gas station in the middle of farming fields and far from anything else. I've also driven past a Dollar General with a horse hitch in the corner of the parking lot for the local Amish to use. And I have some of the smaller format Dollar Generals in my neighborhood too.