Subject: Re: Antifa at it again in Seattle
No one who looks at their tactics and their organization can say, "Hey, what a coincidence it is that all these same people somehow manage to follow the exact same playbook coast to coast" while simultaneously claiming there is zero organization there.
I can. Because you don't need to resort to "coincidence" to find out why they're all following the same playbook. There's a literal playbook! It's the book that Ellison was literally holding up in the twitter post that Turley was criticizing in your earlier thread! People buy that book (or steal it - some of them are anarchic anti-capitalists) and apply what it says! It's not rocket science!
You don't need to resort to some imaginary centralized national organization pulling some strings to explain that. I mean, it's exactly the same thing that right-wing critics constantly claim about liberals and Saul Alinsky - that modern liberal groups are all running the Alinsky "playbook" - without having to imagine that Saul Alinsky is secretly coordinating all their targets, methods and tactics from beyond the grave. He's not! He just published books, and some people follow what his books said!