Subject: Where did everyone go?
Not a lot of activity here. I'm almost wondering if there is a party somewhere and I didn't get an invitation. :) On the other hand I attended the AM and when asked I said "Good news, nothing happened." Jim hasn't even commented on the numbers. Again what would it take to move the needle of this huge aircraft carrier? One of the biggest questions was Geico and we got the answer. Not going to grow till we fix our systems which is going to take several years.
And in case someone, or actually almost everyone missed the chance to help with funding this site. Please opt for even a small recurring contribution. This site works because of the team that contributes to the conversation. There are only two of us that have stepped up to help Julian pay for operating the site. Why do I? Because I love to learn and to make money. Here's the link and remember Australian dollars are only worth 2/3 of US dollars.