Subject: TRUMP: "My Best Debate Ever".
DonOld made a beeline to The Spin Room after the debate and declared: “We thought it was our best debate ever — it was my best debate ever...”
And he said to another reporter there: “This was my best debate. We had a 92% rating in one poll. We had an 86% rating in another. We had 77% in another. We won every one of the polls that came out tonight.”
As Harris pointed out during the debate, DonOld cannot distinguish between delusion and reality.
Here was the CNN poll of who won the debate:
HARRIS: 63% (+26%)
TRUMP: 37%
Trump 37%? WTAF?
Oh, right, the cult.
Um. Well, he did deliver one of the great moments in American oratory: "They eating the dogs; the people that came in! They're eating the cats! They're eating, they're eating the pets!!"