Subject: Re: Just reviewed my YTD performance
Let us know what you are switching to and why you see them as better prospects.
I just looked at my top 5 holdings this year (89% of portfolio) and Berkshire's return was the second worst (Apple was the only tech stock and worst at 24% YTD). One or two year's return in a bull market doesn't mean anything. It just so happened.
As far as I am concerned, most investment discussions does not help my cause to stay apart and think most independently. I don't normally engage in detailed stock discussions and in those rare occasions only somewhat after the facts as learning reflections. It just takes too much effort from me and serves no purpose but clouded my unfiltered angles.
I am very risk averse and disproportionally laser-focus on avoiding big downside. To me that is a more important factor to good long term result.
Gapping risk/reward layup is very rare. And even when presented themselves it usually takes me a longer while than most people to warm up to the prospect. I like to buy cheap and continue to buy as it gets cheaper (or at least not much more expansive). I can offer two typical and recent examples of what usually allow me to set up for huge gains ... William Sonoma from May '22 under 60 and Altria from Dec '23 under 42 with 10% dividend yield. These are good value investments but how come no one seems to be keen? (since no high profile gurus took notice?)