Subject: Re: Trump: We're Sending Haitians Back...
bighairymike: I saw a video on the network that shall not be named. They claimed the video was taken in the city of Springfield. They further claimed the people interviewed were actual residents of Springfield. These paid actors said the Haitians have overrun their schools, the once clean city is strewn with trash, the local hospital is going broke...

Ahh, yeah, I think Orange Jesus said that, too: "I saw it on TV..."

Am I surprised that Fox "News" could find some good white folks to say that some Black folks were ruining their fair city? Um, no.

Would you be surprised to learn that the city shrank from a population of 80,000 to 60,000 in 2014 and the immigrants’ arrival brought an economic revival to the city?

And what hospital exactly? Mercy Health has two hospitals in the Springfield, Ohio area and they seem to be doing just fine, thank you.

Maybe the goose population is down because of the guy that was photographed with a goose who people said was taken in Springfield but it turned out to have been taken in Columbus. Oh wait.

Maybe I have a little more confidence in the word of a Springfield business owner who actually employs Haitians:

“We want more jobs in our community, and in order to fill those jobs, some jobs need to be people who are not originally from here,” Jaime McGregor, who owns the manufacturing factory McGregor Metals in Springfield, told PBS.

McGregor told the outlet that about 10% of his workforce, about 30 employees, is Haitian.

“I wish I had 30 more,” he said. “Our Haitian associates come to work every day. They don’t have a drug problem. They’ll stay at their machine. They’ll achieve their numbers. They are here to work. And so in general, that’s a stark difference from what we’re used to in our community.”