Subject: Re: Downgrade from buy to hold
Also, the BROOKFIELD complex has been destroyed. A lot of overlap with BRKB holders (ex: First Manhattan). BIP could be a screaming buy too.

Staying within the Berkshire-blessed set, even BofA isn't looking too bad.

I opined many years ago that I was never too fond of the firm in general, and in particular at prices above the mid $20s.
But time moves on. At $26.50, it's probably not really so bad. Heck, their earnings per share are all the way back up to the levels of 20 years ago!

More generously:
Despite dips that are likely transient, they've shown they can manage EPS around $3.50ish in today's money. That's a 13% cyclically adjusted earnings yield, and they aren't going bust.

I'm not biting, but I'm watching for the first time in years. The trick is to get an entry with a big enough margin of safety to account for the fact that the next time banks have a chance to do something stupid, they will again be near the front of the line.
