Subject: Re: Climate Change +Inflation Great for Insurance
<From what I understand the problem with the video is that it isn't presenting well-argued facts at all but simply repeating in bad faith climate myths that do not match what the science actually says. It's a similar pattern to what we see from Ancient Aliens and other Pseudo-archaelogy but with a much graver impact.>
Nailed it!
"Fake graphs and daft conspiracy yarns in Durkin’s latest propaganda film"
"British propagandist Martin Durkin is still trying to fool the world with bogus claims, doctored interviews and fake graphs to say the most reputable scientific organizations, including NASA, the Met Office and Royal Society, are all wrong on anthropogenic climate change. Pallavi Sethi and Bob Ward pick apart his latest film, Climate: The Movie."
"The Movie recycles many of the same falsehoods that featured in his earlier film, The Great Global Warming Swindle. But many independent organisations and fact-checkers have already debunked the many bogus claims that appear throughout the film."
PS For extra credit check out his other film about Silicone breast implants. Silicone implants, it insisted, reduced the incidence of breast cancer! Almost unbelievable amirite?