Subject: Re: Paging Dope1, Mike, Righties
They eliminated the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees in 2017.

And this is the One. Single. Instance. where Establishment Republicans actually exacted a price from democrats. Just that one time.

Remember what I said: Republicans will sacrifice policy to maintain collegiality. What McConnell and co. did was punish the democrats for a collegiality infraction.

The underlying problem with the Republican Party is that deep down inside its leaders have accepted their place in the world. That place in the world is to be the Junior Partner that runs this country.

When push comes to shove, nobody cares what the Junior Partner has to say. With that lack of power comes no real actual responsibility or accountability: they're free to wax on about how things need to be better but they're never strong enough or courageous enough to do anything about it. So...the democrat juggernaut rolls on no matter what damage it does to the social fabric or the nation as a whole.