Subject: Re: Climate Change +Inflation Great for Insurance
Thank you Said for posting this video. I too had seen it and shared with friends and family.

I think anything that presents well argued facts is doing a service to the advancement of science and the understanding of our world.

It doesn’t matter if you agree with the content or if it’s pro or contra the consensus. In fact, Charlie would probably agree that anything that challenges the consensus is of even greater importance (always challenge your own most cherished ideas etc).

It’s a shame that we still believe sometimes that the best way to get people over to our side of thinking is by censoring or bullying. The world will never change on this I’m afraid and I think we can all admit to having fallen for this temptation in one way or other.

But please don’t let this stop you from continuing to post. I often disagree with your posts but always enjoy reading them and you contribute together with countless others to making this a great board.

Also a big late thank you to Manlobbi who made posting possible in the first place!!