Subject: Re: Inheriting a far more dangerous world
But that wasn't going to happen.

You don't know that. We "withdrew" from Iraq, also. And yet, somehow there are troops on the ground with drone on station and close air support when it's needed.

We might have kept troops there for our own purposes, like we do in Guantanamo

Gitmo is there because we signed a perpetual lease with the Cuban government way back when and it's a useful outpost on Commie soil.

You guys are trying the "Super Presidents" argument in reverse again. Recall that Obama was a Super President whose exec orders should still be followed even after he left office. Now, the reversal of this is that Trump's decision was to be followed to the letter Because Reasons.

It's a stunning abdication of Joe Biden's responsibility to claim that "Well, Trump decided to pull out so I did what I did". That dog don't hunt, that bird don't fly, pick your metaphor to describe it. The facts on the ground were that yes, Trump wanted to leave but only if certain conditions were met.

One of those conditions WASN'T the collapse of the ANG. And Trump didn't say, "Let's leave flyable helicopters, loads of vehicles and ordinance behind. And while we're at it, close up the heavily fortified airfield we've been running stuff in and out of for 20 years and go use that totally unsecured airport over there".

And he REALLY didn't say "Don't secure the perimeter of that place, and be sure to leave thousands of Americans behind".

I'm sorry, but there's zero "But Trump..." for Biden supporters to cling to.