Subject: Re: 2 minutes on why some tariffs
The left always bemoans about the death of the middle class and how The Rich own everything. Only they have no idea what to do about it.

The answer is simple: make stuff here in the United States.

Unfortunately, the answer isn’t as simple as that.

Corporations manufacture products in foreign countries because it’s cheaper. If we move those manufacturing jobs back to the U.S., the same products will cost more.

Families have limited dollars to spend. If they spend more money on product X, they will have fewer dollars to spend on other products, which will have a negative impact on those workers.

Here in an excerpt from the link below, which goes into more detail:

In 2020, researchers from Harvard University and the University of California, Davis, found that the tariffs created 1,000 jobs – but reduced employment elsewhere by 75,000. When the tariffs hit seven years ago, Mitchell Metal Products employed a peak of 102 workers. It had to cut its payrolls by leaving openings unfilled and weeding out some workers. The company now employs about 75 people.

I think some tariffs can be useful, especially for strategic and national security reasons. But just slapping on tariffs is no panacea. In fact, it’s downright counter productive.

As we are starting to find out.