Subject: Re: VW
>> ... or if they get some wage reductions in Germany, or if....
I think a lot of these ifs might actually happen.<<
You can shorten your list as the above one will never happen.
It's against the German system, against the way unions and employers work peaceful and in harmony together (I say "peaceful" and "in harmony" as at least here worker strikes and the equivalent of employers, "Aussperrungen" (Lockouts), are symbolic gestures for the respective clientele, with both sides at the negotiating table already knowing on what they will agree in the end.
There are never wage reductions (for the same work hours, that is), as this would bring that system to fall. "We" use other means. That's why the German flexibility was admired internationally years ago when the industry was in trouble and unions and industry agreed on "Kurzarbeit" (reduction of work hours) instead to save workers from being laid off. That's possible (and eventually postponing of wage increases), but real wage reductions are taboo.