Subject: Re: Investing with an eye on rising authoritarianism
Hi Cranky. I have found something on which I hope you will agree.
It is so easy to point to the other side and the unsubstantiated claims or unacceptable language that THEY are using.
But with some self reflection one could come to the conclusion that it is equally important for ME not to do the same, even if MY opinion is of course the only correct, educated and noble one, while THEIRS is ignorant, self interested and despicable.
For me personally this should include not entertaining hypotheticals that help perpetuate fear and uncertainty and importantly where the specification of acceptable responses do not allow for disagreement with the premise.
And so I will admit to you now Cranky that I regret having responded to the hypothetical on authoritarianism when I should have ignored it or debated it somewhere else that allowed for disagreement.
This is not meant as criticism of anyone else. Each have to find their own way to self improvement if that is something they are interested in. All the best to you.