Subject: Re: The Coup Underway and Call to Americans
>>Not everyone, but within the Executive Branch, sure.<<
Nope. The people within the Executive Branch work for the President and Congress. They work in agencies that were established by Congress, under civil service rules enacted by Congress, following budgetary allocations decided by Congress, under the oversight of Congress, and implementing the laws adopted by Congress. - albaby
I am going to call that a distinction without a difference. As long as managerial oversight includes the power and discretion to actually manage (within the requirements of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978) the personnel in the executive branch, then I am fine with them working for both an elected President and a cloud of elected congressmen.
I am going to go out on limb here and postulate that if you drew an org chart foe the entire executive branch, diligently following the chain of command for each agency, sub dept, department and so on until you get to the top, it would be Trump in that top mpst box. That implies "working for" to me but that doesn't really matter as long as every executive branch employee is accountable to an individual boss who is responsible for exercising managerial oversight.