Subject: Re: Who will fight for you?
Not sure Israel has the same capability in Gaza as the Allies in postwar Germany, or the same Marshall Plan willingness to create a rebuilt state that the Gazans get to run for themselves when it's all done.

Nor the same inclination. I've seen reporters on the ground talking to Palestinians, and they are routinely pelted with debris just because they are Palestinian (e.g. I don't know the physical location, but they had to put a net up over a walkway because Israeli settlers would throw bottles and trash down onto the Palestinians using the walkway). However, if they could take apart Hamas sufficiently that another government could rise in its place, and then do a Marshall Plan-esque sort of thing, that might go a long way to resolving the problem.

Though they would need to destroy the ability of other nations to use Hamas (or anyone else) as proxies, which means blasting Iran's military and armaments manufacturing. And maybe decapitating the theocracy.