Subject: Re: Hamas "TERRORISTS!"
It more resembles a cult.
No it doesn't, not at all. Have your ever read one of the reports from cover to cover? It doesn't resemble any religious doctrine I've ever seen. There is no cult of personality in Climate Change, in fact a lot of scientists had to be won over, persuaded by the evidence, and helped perfect the evidence by criticisms. And where does a cult ever say they have high confidence in X, Medium confidence in Y, and low confidence in Z? It's all about dogma.
We are going to perform the great experiment and find out if any of the predictions are going to happen, but there's enough evidence right now that says it is happening and will continue. After all, it's a slow increase in sea level over a hundred years, and a slow increase in temperature over the same period. We won't be here for the full confirmation, but we'll still have plenty of deniers.