Subject: Re: Boom. The EO I wanted (healthcare pricing)
And btw:

Reporting on Prescription Drug and Health Care Spending
Internal Revenue Code section 9825, Employee Retirement Income Security Act section 725,
and Public Health Service Act section 2799A-10, as added by section 204 of Title II of Division
BB of the CAA, require group health plans (plans)1 and health insurance issuers (issuers) to
report to the Departments certain information related to prescription drug and other health care
This information includes, among other things, general information regarding the
plan or coverage; the 50 most frequently dispensed brand prescription drugs, the 50 most costly
prescription drugs by total annual spending, and the 50 prescription drugs with the greatest
increase in plan expenditures over the preceding plan year; total spending by the plan or
coverage broken down by the type of costs; and the average monthly premiums paid by
participants, beneficiaries, and enrollees and paid by employers. Plans and issuers must also
report the impact on premiums of rebates, fees, and any other remuneration paid by drug
manufacturers to the plan or coverage or its administrators or service providers, including the
amount paid with respect to each therapeutic class of drugs and for each of the 25 drugs that
yielded the highest amount of rebates and other remuneration under the plan or coverage from
drug manufacturers during the plan year.

In other words, they're already telling the government this information, now they get to put it on their web sites. I suppose one could whip out the textbook and claim that an MRI or an ultrasound isn't covered in there, but good luck with that, also: Trump will simply pen up another EO while whoever is suing gets to pay more in legal fees instead of merely publishing their prices.