Subject: Re: Make her president now
I didn't. I'm claiming to vote for that numb-nuts tomorrow.
Same, same. My point stands.
And he didn't take an elected President out.
No. The elected President took himself out with an absolutely terrible performance.
And he isn't saying to take him out of office now and put Harris in.
Just proof that Republicans aren't the only ones to say stupid things. Democrats can do it too. Just not nearly as often as of late.
Nor is he sympathetic to non citizens voting.
That's a strawman erected by Trump. Democrats as a whole aren't in favor of non-citizens voting in federal elections, either. Even if some stupid Democrat somewhere said that.
He is more for free and fair and legal elections - than you are.
There are two sides to that coin. Free and fair elections require both easy access for those who *can* legally vote AND making sure those who are not legal voters can't vote. When you look at the facts instead of the rhetoric, there is astonishing little of the latter. Maybe a few dozen to a couple hundred illegal votes in any given election over the entire country. But Republicans seem to want to keep multitudes of legal voters from voting just in case it might keep one of the handful of illegal votes from voting. (Which is probably going to be a Republican vote, anyway.)
You might get that big 2% win - and then earn the privilege of kissing the bush Cheney Goldman Sachs ring for 4 years :)
I doubt there will be any ring kissing. This is a brief bit of cooperation to accomplish a single mutual goal - getting rid of Trump. Something that both democrats and sane republicans want. If that is successful tomorrow - a very big IF - there will be a brief bit of mutual congratulations followed quickly by a return to the usual partisan bickering. And perhaps a token Cabinet position given to the least offensive Republican that can be found. A RINO in MAGA (formerly Tea Party) speak.
I wanted to be first to say - attaboy. And 1 attaboy is a lot! Because it takes 3 awshits to cancel out one attaboy.
Your attaboys and awshits are about as useful as the points on "Who's Line Is It, Anyway?", the ad-lib comedy show where the points don't matter.