Subject: Re: Some Thoughts - Maybe Too Many
I appreciate the discourse generated in this thread!!
My $0.02:
If I live another twenty years (doubtful), my guess is our current holdings of Berkshire stock will have been split into three (3) or more stock holdings akin to how Danaher's holdings have similarly been cleaving into new corporate groupings. In walking around the exhibit hall last May, one could see how various companies could be marshaled into fitting groupings.
Berkshire Hathaway is a wonderful name. It has been applied to several Berkshire companies leading to good branding results. However, the day may come after Warren Buffett has departed the scene where the Berkshire name is associated with not so positive leviathan-type comments. We may have already seen peak Berkshire name in so far as positive public image. The energy fire-related lawsuits together with what seems like the beginning stages of regulatory rate push-backs for electric rates/utility compensation and the growing uproar over insurance availability/consumer costs are possible signals to how Berkshire may be increasingly viewed as a deep pocketed behemoth already making plenty of money from society. I know that is not the case, but if that were to become more of a recurring issue, post-Buffett leadership would likely opt to break up the company so as to take the behemoth aspect off the table. Smaller companies with non-Berkshire names ten years may be a more palatable image. You are welcome to yell at me for being a wacko for making these comments. I am a wacko and am seldom correct with forecasts.
Do I think Berkshire stock is a great long term holding? Absolutely!! The comments made above were to give additional possible reasons why our Berkshire stock will eventually be spun into multiple separate stock holdings and how those changes will benefit long term shareholders. The total valuation to us shareholders will be greater than the gain in the S&P. We are in a good place for the long haul despite how the company we know today changes in the years ahead.