Subject: Re: Who will fight for you?
Both are Goldman Sachs candidates.

Both are Big Pharma Candidates.

Both are Big Oil candidates.

Both are Big Pharama candidates.

Both are Big HMO candidates.

However, one is more liked by Goldman Sachs and Big Defense.

One is more liked by NeoCons and Dick Cheney.

And one turned her back on parts of her constituency and embraced oil and fracking.

Who will fight?

The "exploding" population in Paris - is fighting :) Ditto Hamburg too.

The angry ostracized populations in America - as you've seen - are fighting.

Harris or Trump? Neither will fight for us. They'll send us to fight - and Harris will do it more.

For you, victory is defined as 'Whew! The Corporate NeoCon Darling had double the money, much more organization and anyone from Obama to Taylor Swift....and we won us a 52% victory!"

Reach for them stars.