Subject: Re: more fun is South China Sea
As long as we maintain a significant presence, China would have a problem getting across the strait to Taiwan. They certainly could launch aircraft and missiles. But getting troop carriers across the strait would be a problem, unless we just weren't paying attention and left the area unguarded. Or if we elect the convict.
Trump was the guy that brought up China as a threat. Previous democrat Presidents have bent over backwards to enable trillions of dollars to flow to the ChiComs.
And the Chinese won't invade Taiwan right away with dudes wading ashore on assault crafts Douglas MacArthur-style. They'll come over as rando workers in small groups with their equipment smuggled in the bottom of innocent-looking cargo holds.
This is why every time there's a random person washing windows in Taipei or elsewhere, there's a Taiwanese Helper Cop (youngish unarmed dude with no gun but a phone and a radio) watching them do it.