Subject: Re: Harris Agrees to Fox 'News' Interview
I think war is inevitable at this point, unless we roll-over and abandon our allies and treaties.
Trump will abandon Ukraine in a heartbeat seeing that they didn’t play ball with his request to dig up dirt on Hunter Biden, and because Trump is in thrall to Putin. China, seeing how loathe Trump is to do anything, will move on Taiwan and we will be powerless to stop it. We will, however, do anything for Bibi, because he’s “strong.” That will put us in the middle of conflict between Iran and Israel, but if the other Arab states are smart they’ll stay out. They’re not particularly fond of Iran anyway, and while they propagandize against Israel they’re not going to take them on, either.
Yes, if the orange one wins it’s gonna be a terrible world for a while. But not to worry, Juan who picks your potatoes will be sent back to Guatemala, so there’s that.