Subject: Re: Hamas "TERRORISTS!"
Judaism doesn't have a tradition of proselytizing. Unlike xians. Not sure about Muslims. Never seen a Muslim missionary. Though they are very territorial. All three have at least one shared characteristic: when they have control/power, they try to impose their will on others. Not every individual, but generally as groups. Often banning the practice of other religions in the process.
As a Christian, I find my faith guides me on how to live MY life.
I'd be curious how, but that would probably be a topic more appropriate for "Atheist Shrewds". We've veered far off of US policies.
It doesn't give me permission to tell others they must live THEIR lives based on MY interpretation of MY faith.
I would agree. Again, probably should take this discussion to the Atheist board for more depth. I'm sure people want to get back to bashing the convict, or making up stuff about Harris while rationalizing that the convict isn't really that bad. :-)