Subject: Re: Prosecute Bible and Flag Burning
Sweden isn't the US. They don't have a First Amendment. So this isn't necessarily one of their "liberties".

I get what they're trying to do. They are -in essence- treating it as a hate crime. I'm not motivated enough to dig deeper on this one. Sweden has a proper court system, which you have to have confidence that it will do the right thing in the end. In the US, this would be tossed probably very quickly. Though, flag burning had to be decided by the SCOTUS. I remember that. Some authorities were trying to enforce a flag desecration law, and it worked its way up to SCOTUS who ruled that it was a legitimate form of expression. At the time, my gut reaction was outrage. But as I consumed more debates on the subject (there were a LOT of debates at that time) I changed my opinion and agreed with SCOTUS.