Subject: Re: OXY ownership on this board
I don’t know where I got that information, but it looks like you are right. The newest reactor to enter service is Vogtle Unit 3 at the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant in Georgia that began commercial operation on July 31, 2023. The next-youngest operating reactor is Watts Bar Unit 2, in Tennessee, which began commercial electricity generation in October 2016.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licenses new commercial nuclear reactors to originally operate for 40 years. Before expiration of the original license, licencees can apply for a 20-year operating license extension. The NRC may subsequently grant a third 20-year operating license extension for a total operational life of 80 years.
It seems my reference was wrong, no new construction from 1979 to 2013, but a couple of new plants since then. My point is, 2 new stations in the last 7 years is not nearly enough to keep up. Since 2013, there have been many more closures, 8 by my count, and many are getting towards the end of their lives.