Subject: Re: Who cheats?
All I know is promoting and rebuilding voter confidence is every reasonable way it more important than whose tribe is acting suspiciously.

No. First off the lying that created and perpetuates distrust originates with Donald J Trump. Unless he stops lying his cult will use his lies as shade to create chaos in the wake of an election, the goal being sending the decision to the Republican majority senate. Thus we bid farewell to the democratic process.

Investigate all of it and let the chips fall where they may..

Instead of euphemisms, "all of it" and 'chips' can you use words to describe what else needs to be investigated?

Republicans have been involved in all the 'investigations.' Those republicans who have confirmed the elections of '20 and '22 were fair are being drummed out of the system, replaced with Trump loyalist ready and willing to 'flood the zone with shit', violate election laws to assure Trump and his loyalists win.