Subject: Re: With friends like these...
When austerity hits...that's when the poop meets the whirling fan blades.

Caveat: The Austerity has to hit THEM.

Trouble is the Smug 401K'ers are somewhat insulated from it.

Hence, corporate taxes need to go up. Tax advantages on capital gains and dividends need to be gutted. Unrealistic - but 401K accounts need to be tithed because after all "if you got a retirement account larger than average.....YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT, someone else did it for you"

And finally, some of the more 'raw' podcast-blog people (I'm out of it I follow none of it) need to inform those being victims of austerity that their problem isn't a few billionaires, but their problems are right now, walking around parking lots of yoga and whole foods. They live - unguarded from Bethesda to Arlington VA to New Hope PA to Ann Arbor MI to Berkley, CA..... it's *them* that are at fault for the austerity.

Then sort of let forces of bad culture, resentment, fear, A.I manipulation from outside the country, and austerity take over and let things run its course.

It's tough medicine. But I didn't do it.

They did it. And still want to do it.