Subject: Re: BRK: Why Not XOM?
I can remember paying close to $5/gal for gas, and *still* most people wouldn't buy an EV.

I don’t think that’s true. If you had said “ Some people wouldn’t” then I would agree, because there are always some who are recalcitrant, but the experience in other countries where the prices have been normalized via subsidies and convenience argue otherwise.

I just completed a visit to a buddy in Kentucky. While there I stayed in a Holiday Inn which offered 4 EV charging stations. I went from my house (solar charging: free) to the Holiday Inn in one three hour trip and charged overnight (free) before visiting him. We drove around all day, I dropped him off, went back to the Holiday Inn and charged overnight (free) and came all the way home in one leg and charged via solar. (Free).

My ICE costs for gas would have been around $100, but instead were $0.

The fact that I fouud the ride quieter an more enjoyable was a side benefit, instead I will replace about $2,000 a year in gas costs with maybe $100 in on-the-road charging. My maintenance costs for the 10,000 miles so far has been: refill the windshield washer fluid.

At some point people realize a better value. It took a while to adopt microwave ovens from gas, color televisions from b&w, and cassette tapes from 8-track, but eventually it happened. So will this, at least for most. (Yes, there will always be a few edge cases where it doesn’t make sense, but mostly - it does.)