Subject: Re: Mark Penn and the moderators, today
good morning, some trumpers are several levels above the average trump supporter. YOU, understand that two things can be true. Trump gets an F in that debate AND the moderators get an F as well. After she answered her first question trump should have said, didn't you just ask her a question? Did she answer YOUR question? THEN< in response to his first question he should have responded, Bernie Sanders says she is a far left progressive, running as a moderate, to win the election, I< believe Sanders. Harris is now claiming that team Biden was totally incompetent, and once she replaces him, with her people, SHE< will fix everything team Biden- Harris has destroyed the past four years. THEY, refinanced Iran, the country financing terror around the world, THEY opened the border, many of THEM, said that when Israelis are slaughtered, it must be " kept in context", etc. Trump knew they were going to fact check EVERYTHING he said, why say so much dumb shit? Did EVERYONE want Roe over overturned? Can he prove the dogs and cats' story? WHY say dumb shit?? Republicans made their bed now they have to sleep in it. Haley- Youngkin would have won in a landslide, too late now. Penn and friends are supposed to disclose TODAY what evidence they have that the debate was, rigged, let's see IF and WHAT they have? What a country!!