Subject: Re: Notable Presidential Speeches...
By continuing to "flood the zone with ****", he knows he is saturating the "shock nerves" of the public and as long as those nerves are being CONTINUALLY stimulated by the next NEW shock, information doesn't progress further into more deliberate processes that should be telling citizens this man has no business being in charge of anything affecting their life.
Maybe. But I think it serves a different purpose. It's not just desensitizing. I think there's an appeal in having someone who's willing to violate accepted norms of behavior - especially if he's "on your side." I don't think any of them will ever think that he's "vile" just because he "works blue" in his rallies. His audience won't be clutching their pearls and lamenting the unsuitability of a person who might actually refer to someone's _____. Especially the ones who think that the job description of President ought to include being able to be an insensitive hard-ass who doesn't give two shirts about playing nice to make other people feel happy. Sometimes, the vulgar arsehole is the one you want for the tough job - even if you wouldn't necessarily want them to "babysit your kid," as Liz Cheney noted.
Perhaps the best frame to think of Trump's rallies is like a stand-up comedian honing his act on the road, with a lot of greatest hits and improv stuff. He throws crap out there, sometimes just freeflowing, and sees what gets a reaction from the crowd or the press. Whatever works, he keeps - and does callbacks to (which is probably why we got so much Hannibal Lecter stuff). Sometimes new material bombs. That's fine - they like the act, and they know that sometimes it won't land. Sometimes the crowd and his supporters love it - and even when they don't, his opponents will usually attack him for it, which lets him bond with his supporters.