Subject: Re: Why The GOP S#%&S...
LurkerMom: That’s seven flights in all, which amounted to Trump using Epstein’s plane, which in essence amounted to a ‘taxi service’. SO? What’s the big deal besides Biden’s minions trying to make something out of nothing? LOL! Stop it with your stupid nonsense
So to the Trump Cult, it ain't no "big deal" when the rapist Donald Trump flies on the Lolita Express seven times (when he owned his own personal jet) but then here comes Dope1 to point the finger at Bill 'cause he musta' been up to no good when he flew on that big old jet airliner:
Dope1: One of them started with this yesterday or something, so I assume "Donald Trump = Epstein" is the new thing they've been ordered to push. The problem is...Trump isn't an Epstein criminal. But you know who is? William Jefferson Clinton. Good luck, lefties.
Actually, Don Jr started this yesterday by claiming on Xhtter that his father NEVER FLEW on the Lolita Express -- like Bill Clinton -- and people quickly pointed out the EVIDENCE from the Ghislaine Maxwell trial that flight logs showed that rapist Donald Trump flew at least seven times WITH EPSTEIN BESIDE HIM on the Lolita Express.
So Donald Trump is exactly the same "Epstein criminal" as Bill Clinton. Ain't no difference between the two flying with Epstein.
Continue on ignoring the evidence but if you're going to argue that it's a bad look for Clinton, you're going to have to argue it's also a bad look for Trump.
Can't have it both ways.